Sunday, November 11, 2007


Okay...again no pictures. This time they are on my phone and I don't know how to get them off and onto my computer. Friday Mike and I went to A-Basin and skied. This time they had 3 runs all the way to the top. That run was a bit of a hazard since you have this really narrow
chute (it was fenced in) that ALL the skiers/boarders had to go through after you got off the lift. Between the narrow run, icy snow and crazy people I was done with it after a few runs.
Saturday we went to the Convention center downtown to the Ski/Snowboard show. The boys were totally board until they realized the booths were giving away free stuff! Then they found stickers, posters, terrain maps and even a couple of free T-shirts. Mike bought a new ski jacket...kinda of a burnt orange/black. Hopefully it's bright enough to find him on the slopes! After that we headed out east of town to visit Katie in her new house. They bought right on the Aurora reservoir. It's a very nice area and the soil is kinda of sandy so it reminds me of the shore. Weird since it's in Colorado! They have a beautiful house although half of their furniture is still at their other house "staging" it. We went out to dinner but had to wait 1/2 for our pizza...and well, with little kids it's really hard to wait that long! It was good to catch up, her girls are getting so big.
Sunday was spent cleaning, laundry, food shopping. I'm in class all next week out in Longmont so Mike has the boys before and after school. Wish him well......