Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Trick or Treat

Our annual trick or treat "drive" through the neighborhood!
We hit a few more houses this year but it still takes time
to drive down the road, drive down the driveways (hope
you can back out of them) and hope they are home.
Mike said he gave away 1 candy bar (and it was yummy!).

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Halloween Symphony

My friend Liz and I took our boys to the Denver symphony
Halloween show. Ben stayed home with Mike since he is
not fond of loud noises/music. The plan was to meet after
school and leave about 4:15 when they got off the bus. Of
course, when you have plans is when the kids are late.
It seems a semi truck jack knifed on North Turkey Creek
road (the VERY narrow windy road that the bus takes to
school). The bus came upon the accident and got stuck.
My friend Liz was coming to meet me and was stuck
behind the bus so she got Michael off the bus and went
all the way back around to pick me up and off we went to
the concert. The bus had to back up about 1 mile until it
could turn around. Ben didn't get home until 5:30.
We barely had time to grab a bite to eat before the concert.
The entire orchestra was in costume and it was a pirate
themed event.
Okay-not a great picture of me as "medusa". It's what
you get when you are putting on your wig while running
down the streets of Denver trying to get to the show on time.


With the demise of my 94 explorer (was driven off
and donated to Table Mountain Animal Shelter today)
we needed another 4x4 truck. After researching and
looking and test driving we decided on a 2007 Nissan
Xterra. Bright yellow. Not sure how I got Mike to agree
to that one but the kids and I are happy with it.